Introduction to

Rhinoplasty in Atlanta (Nose Surgery)

Rhinoplasty is a popular surgical procedure at Webb Plastic Surgery that corrects the shape, size, and symmetry of the nose to fit more proportionally with the rest of the face. It can also improve the function of the nose by rectifying breathing problems which may have been caused by previous trauma. Nose surgery is a cosmetic procedure for anyone who wants to greatly improve their overall appearance. There is a reason it is one of the most common aesthetic surgeries performed in the United States year after year! Dr. Lindsey Webb is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Atlanta who regularly performs rhinoplasty on patients with high patient satisfaction ratings.

Surgical reshaping of the nose can

  • Adjust nasal width and nostril position
  • Smooth the dorsal hump or depressions of the nasal profile
  • Correct nasal tip issues like bulbous or enlarged tip, upturned or drooping tip, hooked or pinched tip
  • Address symmetry
  • Correct a deviated septum to improve an obstructed airway
  • Achieve better facial balance

Nonsurgical rhinoplasty or liquid rhinoplasty with dermal fillers can temporarily improve minor issues of asymmetry or irregularities but only surgery can definitively affect structural changes in the nose.


Just Right for You

Rhinoplasty is usually performed as an outpatient surgery under general anesthesia. The procedure takes a couple of hours, although more complicated procedures can take longer to complete. Most incisions are concealed inside the nose or along its natural creases leaving no noticeable evidence of surgery. Techniques like cartilage grafting, bone manipulation and tip reshaping can have dramatic effects in improving facial harmony.

Types of

Nose Surgery

Open vs Closed Rhinoplasty

An open rhinoplasty is a small external incision made on the underside of the nose. It is the procedure of choice for certain types of noses and nasal shaping techniques. The incision for an open rhinoplasty heals very well and is less visible over time.

A closed rhinoplasty is an incision that is made on the inside of the nose and can be used to adjust the dorsum of the nose or perhaps a deviated septum. There are no visible scars with a closed rhinoplasty.

Am I a

Good Candidate?

If you are in good physical health, a non-smoker and have realistic expectations from a rhinoplasty, you may be a good candidate for the procedure. Rhinoplasty can be appropriate for teens as long as they are about 16 years old and their facial growth is complete.

What are the


Every surgery carries some risks of complications. Rhinoplasty is a relatively safe procedure but risks can include bruising, difficulty breathing, numbness, scarring, prolonged swelling and anesthesia reactions. On rare occasions, additional surgery may be needed.