Introduction to

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical enhancement procedure to accentuate the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. Breast augmentation is tremendous help to patients who desire a fuller profile, who have significant size or shape asymmetry between their breasts, who have lost breast volume due to pregnancy or nursing, or who have undergone breast reconstruction and want to find a more natural and symmetric look again. While Dr. Webb’s breast augmentation technique will make the breasts larger, a breast lift or mastopexy procedure may also be needed to tighten loose, sagging skin or raise the nipples up to the most projecting part of the breast. If you already have breast implants, it may be time to change them out or make adjustments to the breast shape and Dr. Webb is happy to discuss any questions or concerns you may have.

Who is a good candidate for breast augmentation?

Many women would like to increase the size or symmetry of their breasts. If you are over the age of 18, physically healthy, emotionally stable, and have realistic expectations about what plastic surgery can accomplish, you may be a candidate for breast augmentation.

The best way to determine with any certainty if breast augmentation is appropriate for you is to meet with Dr. Webb.

How do I choose my implants?

The best way to select the breast implants that will be used during your breast augmentation procedure is to have a thorough discussion with your surgeon. You’ll need to consider your body type, goals, and concerns to determine which implant size, fill (saline or silicone), position (above or below the pectoralis major muscle), and location of scar will be best for you. When you come for your consultation or the pre-op appointment before surgery, feel free to bring photos or magazine clippings of what your goal breast shape and size are and we can have you try on sizers as well. Dr. Webb will review realistic expectations and long-term outcomes.

It is only natural to have concerns about breast implant safety and Dr. Webb will walk you through the process and the risks to help you make informed decisions about your procedure. Numerous studies over the past decade have supported the safety of breast implants – both saline and silicone gel. All implant shells are made with silicone which is an inert substance used everywhere from joint replacements to scar gels to skin care products. Saline and silicone implants have similar risks of rupture, infection, and capsular contracture which is the excessive scar tissue formed around an implant. They do ‘feel’ differently and, depending on how much skin and native breast tissue a patient has, they may look differently. There is an association with textured implants and a very rare form of lymphoma known as ALCL and, for that reason, we will likely recommend a smooth implant for you.

What are the risks?

There are risks that are associated with any surgical procedure. These include bleeding, bruising, swelling, or infection. Potential risks associated specifically with breast augmentation include capsular contracture (when excessive scar tissue forms around implants), implant rupture, and other complications that Dr. Webb will discuss with you during your consultation.

Will I lose sensation in my nipples or be unable to breast feed?

There is the potential for the reduction of nipple sensation but it typically resolves once your swelling improves. Most patients don’t have sensation changes with breast augmentation alone, especially if the incisions are placed away from the nipple. Also, by choosing a qualified surgeon, your ability to breastfeed should not change after augmentation mammoplasty.

How do I prepare for surgery?

Most breast implant surgeries are completed in about an hour. Patients are able to return to their normal activities (with certain restrictions) after a few days and to full aerobic exercise at 6 weeks. Our Atlanta breast augmentation procedures are performed on an outpatient basis.

Dr. Webb surgeon will help guide you through the steps you need to take before surgery. Together, you will make several important decisions before the day of your procedure including planned size, placement of scars, position of the implant above or below the muscle, and if any additional procedures such as liposuction or breast lift will be performed.

To decrease risks of wound-healing problems and to optimize results, stop all nicotine products for at least six weeks before and six weeks after surgery. Dr. Webb may also advise you to stop taking aspirin or other blood thinners in the time leading up to your surgery. You should arrange for rides to and from the surgery center on the day of the breast augmentation. We will send prescriptions to your pharmacy so you can pick them up ahead and have them when you get home.

Drink lots of fluids the day before surgery and then there will be no eating or drinking after midnight the night before surgery except Gatorade, when specifically directed to take it. Dress comfortably in loose clothes or a button-down shirt on the surgery day. You will be placed into a soft, supportive bra to wear around the clock for the first few weeks after surgery. When in doubt, consult Dr. Webb’s detailed instructions and follow them closely.

Can I combine breast augmentation with other procedures?

Many women choose to combine their breast augmentation with other procedures such as tummy tuck, liposuction, or a face lift. Dr. Webb will discuss your options to combine procedures or stage them based on your medical history, risk factors and to achieve the best possible outcome.

Breast augmentation with or without breast lift (mastopexy), liposuction, and tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) are often combined as part of a “Mommy Makeover.” Lifting the droopy breasts and addressing the abdominal bulge that no amount of crunches can take away will restore the figure to a youthful, pre-baby silhouette. Be sure to ask Dr. Webb about these options during your consultation at her Atlanta office. Call us at 404-661-6865 today for an appointment!

Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

What is a Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer?

This procedure is a natural breast augmentation using fat from your own body to enlarge and uplift the breasts. Fat transfer allows transfer of fat from one part of the body to the breasts.
Using liposuction, fat is removed from one or multiple areas of your body and moved to your breasts to create an increase in breast volume and provide a more natural contour.

What can I expect during the procedure?

The Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer procedure can be performed as an outpatient at a fully accredited surgical facility. A cannula with a suction attached is inserted through a small incision and the appropriate amount of fat is removed. The fat is then processed resulting in a very smooth texture. This fat then re-inserted to the breast area. Since your own fat is used, there are no issues with rejection in a breast augmentation with fat transfer.

How long is the recovery?

Most patients can return to normal activities in a few days. Lifting and vigorous exercise are restricted for a few weeks. Tenderness, swelling, bruising, and a feeling of tightness should be expected, but these conditions should resolve quickly.

How long will it last?

A small amount of the injected fat may be absorbed by the body during the first 3 months.
After that, the remaining fat transferred is long-lasting.