Introduction to

Facial Rejuvenation

Webb Plastic Surgery offers the latest skin rejuvenation therapies, anti-aging, and total body wellness with a variety of services and treatments to fit your skin care and body needs.

What is


Microneedling is a non-surgical, cosmetic treatment to address wrinkles, acne scars, fine lines, and other facial blemishes. The procedure is performed with a small device that creates “micro injuries” across the surface of the skin and the dermis layer located just below it. These micro injuries are caused by tiny needles, which very subtly puncture the skin, jump-starting the body’s built-in healing process. The injured skin responds to the micro injuries by releasing numerous growth factors, including collagen and other elastic tissue. Microneedling prompts the body to develop a healthy new layer of younger-looking, smoother skin.

What is the down time?

Typically, the healing time depends on the severity of the damaged skin and the depth of the procedure. Most commonly there may be some redness that resembles mild sunburn. This may last for 2-4 days. Some patients may have the redness dissipate within 24 hours. The skin will be pink or red in appearance for 24-48 hours, much like a sunburn with some minor bleeding and very occasionally some mild bruising. The skin may also feel warm, tight, and itchy for a short while. Generally, the inflammatory reaction of the skin is short and fades significantly after a couple of days.

Who is a good candidate?

Microneedling can be used on all skin types. You are a good candidate if you want to minimize pore size, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve the appearance of acne scarring, or improve hyperpigmentation.

When will I see results?

Patients may notice healthier-looking skin right away. However, keep in mind that dermal collagen remodeling occurs over time, and it is not realistic to expect damage that has happened to the skin over a long period of time to disappear right away. A series of 4-6 treatments may be recommended.

What is


Morpheus8 is a skin lifting and tightening treatment that uses a combination of microneedling and radio frequency energy to stimulate collagen and elastin production. During the treatment, ultra-thin needles that emit radiofrequency energy create micro-injuries on targeted skin areas to stimulate collagen production. The heat energy produces a restructuring of deep dermal layers to reduce signs of aging and improve skin quality. The result is a smoother, sleeker appearance. Morpheus8 is safe for all skin types and tones, making it an excellent choice for skin rejuvenation.

How many treatments do I need?

Depending on the condition of the area to be treated, 1-3 treatments are usually
recommended. Your practitioner will recommend the optimal number of sessions to be performed based on your personal objectives. Treatments are tailored for each patient to obtain the optimal results.

What is the downtime?

Immediately after the treatment, some redness is expected. Bruising and/or swelling may occur following the treatment but should dissipate quickly. Patients can apply makeup 1-2 days after the treatment. In most cases, normal skincare routines can be restarted 2-3 days after treatment.

When will I see results?

The first signs of results can be seen within a few days, but typically after three weeks the most noticeable results appear. Improvements continue up to 3 months after treatment.

Who is a good candidate for Morpheus8?

Almost anyone looking to improve their skin and are unhappy with the appearance of sagging skin, acne scarring, stretch marks, sun damage, and/or fine lines and wrinkles. Morpheus8 can improve deep lines, facial creases, small fat deposits, and mild sagging skin on the cheeks, neck, and beneath lower eyelids. This treatment can be used on all skin types.

What is

DiolazeXL Laser Hair Removal?

DiolazeXL is an advanced laser hair removal procedure that safely and gently eliminates unwanted hair. DiolazeXLhas one of the largest treatment spot sizes, making treatment convenient and fast. The cooling system chills the skin before, during, and after the energy is delivered to the hair follicle. This provides constant skin protections and decreases discomfort, redness, and post-treatment irritation. DiolazeXL is considered one of the most effective FDA-approved hair removal systems on the market.

Does it hurt?

DiolazeXL has a built-in skin cooling surface which is one of the largest for all hair removal devices. This makes treatment more comfortable, with most patients noting that DiolazeXL is virtually painless.

How many sessions are required?

Hair is reduced with each treatment and results are observed after 4-6 sessions. The number of sessions will differ depending on your hair color, hair type, skin tone, and treatment area.

Which areas of the body can be treated?

DiolazeXL can be safely used on most areas of the body that have unwanted hair. Commonly treated areas include bikini, legs, underarms, arms, chest, back, shoulders, stomach, neck, chin, and sideburns.

What is

Lumecca (IPL)?

Lumecca IPL is the most powerful Intense Pulsed Light provider to treat pigmented skin and vascular lesions. The light energy delivered will gently heat the upper layers of the skin. The heat absorbed by the targeted areas will stimulate skin cells to regenerate new collagen. This process will restore skin to its natural beauty, blending its natural colors and making it smoother and vibrant. Lumecca IPL therapy reduces the appearance of age spots, sun damage, freckles, rosacea and hyperpigmentation, restoring a clear complexion and rejuvenated skin.

What should I expect during and after the Lumecca treatment?

During treatment there will be a bright flash of light from Lumeca and a sensation on your skin that feels like a light snap from an elastic band. Redness and a slight warming of the skin are normal after treatment and usually subside within an hour. Over the next 24-48 hours you may see a darkening of pigmented spots. In the week to follow, these pigmented lesions will flake off revealing an evening out your skin tone. After treating vascular lesions, you may see the vein blanch and disappear or a color change in the vessel which dissipates after a few days.

When will I see results?

After just one treatment, most patients notice significant improvements in the complexion and clarity of the skin. For optimal results, 3-4 treatments are recommended.
When can I go in the sun?

Avoiding sun for at least 3 weeks before and after this treatment is recommended. Tanned skin cannot be treated as it may make the skin more liable to burn. Tanned skin includes spray tans and self-tanners.

Who is a good candidate?

Anyone who wishes to correct and restore their skin to its natural beauty and desires clearer, smoother, and younger-looking skin can be an excellent candidate for the Lumecca IPL treatment.

What is


Dermaplaning is a procedure that involves using a surgical blade to exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin cells and vellus hair (peach fuzz). This procedure helps chemical peels, serums and products penetrate more evenly, enhancing your results and leaving the skin smooth and glowing!

Who is a good candidate?

Dermaplaning is great for all skin types!

What is

a facial?

A facial is a multi-step skin treatment that addresses specific skin conditions to keep skin balanced, hydrated, clean, healthy, and glowing. Treatments include steam, exfoliation, facial masks, peels, and massage. The goal of all facials is to purify and regenerate the skin, leading to an overall improvement in skin health.

What should I expect?

Each treatment plan is individually customized focusing on your needs and lifestyle to ensure optimal skin health.

Who is a good candidate?

Anyone! The ZO Skin Health line offers a range of facials we recommend to our patients. The type of facial used is determined after a consultation where our expert staff assesses your goals, needs, and medical history.

What is a

Chemical Peel?

A chemical peel, or chemical exfoliation, is a procedure to remove damaged skin cells, treat wrinkles, and correct scars and sunspot discolorations. Chemical peels consist of different types of acids that have varying depths of skin penetration. With a tailor-made approach, the type of peel used will be a specific combination of acids and exfoliants to help achieve optimal skin health. The ZO Skin Health line offers a range of facials we recommend to our patients. The type of facial used is determined after a consultation where our medical aesthetician assesses your goals, needs, and medical history.

Who is a good candidate?

Anyone who want to achieve their skincare goals by minimizing the visibility of acne scarring, stimulating the production of collagen, cleaning and exfoliating skin, removing damaged skin, and reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

What is considered a medical-grade skincare product?

Medical-grade skincare products are specifically formulated by leading skincare experts. These products contain highly effective, active ingredients supported by clinical studies and are exclusively offered through medical skin care centers.

Upgrade to

Skincare You Can Trust

ZO Skin Health is top-of-the-line skincare that has been clinically tested and proven effective. While there are an overwhelming number of skincare products available from pharmacies, department stores, and regular spas, only medical-grade products can guarantee real results.