What Is the


Facelift and neck lift at our Atlanta practice use techniques that are much more sophisticated than those used in the past. When performed properly, a facelift can have a profound anti-aging effect and offer beautiful and natural improvements that help years melt away without broadcasting to the world that someone has had surgery. Dr. Lindsey Webb is a board-certified plastic surgeon who uses a comprehensive approach to facial surgery that addresses not only the quality of the skin, but also the underlying muscles, fat, and fascia for effective, longer lasting results.

Depending on the patient’s facial rejuvenation goals, Dr. Webb may recommend combining facelift with other procedures like fat grafting to restore volume to the cheeks or eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) to address the excess skin and fat bulging of the eyelids for refreshed and meaningful outcomes.

Dr. Webb is sought out for her remarkable results and exceptional patient care. Request a private consultation now during one of the select times they have set aside exclusively for Web visitors.

A Rejuvenated


A facelift, or rhytidectomy, improves the appearance of the lower two-thirds of the face by smoothing wrinkled skin, redistributing fat to a more youthful position, and tightening the deeper layers of the face to reverse sagging appearance. This procedure is often combined with a neck lift for improvements in the angle of the neck and jowls or muscle bands.

The surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia. Facelift surgery usually takes between 2 to 4 hours to complete depending on the extent of the procedure. Incisions are typically follow natural skin creases in front of the ear, behind the lower portion of the ear and into the hairline. Candidates for facelift include healthy, nonsmokers with good blood pressure control and ability to abstain from blood thinners for the surgical period. Dr. Webb will review expectations and recovery process in detail and she will tailor each procedure to the specific needs of the patient.

Our patients often find that facial rejuvenation enhances their confidence as well as their appearance. Aging gracefully is a blessing and minimally invasive or nonsurgical rejuvenation options can help with skin tightening and texture and temporize, but they cannot accomplish what can be achieved with surgery. A facelift procedure does not stop the natural aging process. Factors such as skin elasticity, exposure to the sun, and lifestyle choices (such as, smoking and weight changes) can affect the longevity of your improvements but Dr. Webb can recommend skin care and scar treatments to help optimize your results.

A Mini


Many of our patients from the Atlanta area elect to combine their face and neck lift procedures with other facial sculpting procedures, such as a brow lift, eyelid surgery or fat transfer to the cheeks. Our patients with less advanced wrinkling and sagging can sometimes benefit from the less invasive mini facelift, which involves smaller incisions and quicker recovery.