Introduction to

Neck Lift (Lower Rhytidectomy)

As we age, our faces and necks are affected a bit differently. Some people develop wrinkling and sun damage on their entire face and neck. Some people lose facial fat, accumulate fat on the neck or develop more exaggerated signs of aging on their neck like the muscle banding and loose “turkey wattle” skin. Neck lift surgery or lower rhytidectomy corrects signs of aging on the neck and jawline and often accompanies facelift surgery for more comprehensive facial rejuvenation.

Neck Lift

Procedure in Atlanta

Our patients come to see Dr. Webb in Atlanta from a wide geographic area and have found that neck lift surgery can provide dramatic but natural results.

Dr. Webb usually performs neck lift surgery as an outpatient procedure and the recovery process is well-tolerated with only mild discomfort. Loose skin is pulled up and back and removed through fairly inconspicuous incisions around and behind the ear. The fascia overlying the muscles are often tightened. Pesky neck banding may be released. Excess fat may be liposuctioned. The result is an enhanced, more pleasing neck angle and jawline.

We offer our Atlanta area patients additional neck rejuvenation procedures that can be performed individually, or in combination, to maximize improvement. Fat deposits on the neck can be removed with liposuction through tiny incisions placed behind the ears and under the chin. For nonsurgical fat reduction, Kybella can be injected to essentially dissolve the submental fat and tighten skin.

Dr. Webb will help you choose the procedure or combination of procedures that will best meet your goals during your initial consultation at Webb Plastic Surgery.

Top 5 Reasons for a

Neck Lift

Here are the top reasons why you will benefit from a neck lift, which can:

  • Eliminate sagging neck skin or “turkey wattle”
  • Improve lines and folds around your neck
  • Eradicate the dreaded double chin
  • Smooth the neck bands
  • Provide a more defined and youthful jawline to separate your neck from your face

Differences Between a

Neck Lift and a Facelift Surgery

A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, pulls excess skin from below the chin, jawline, and jowls and tightens the underlying tissues. A facelift, or upper rhytidectomy, redrapes the skin and fascia of the midface above the jawline. For many patients, a face and neck lift are performed in conjunction for optimal facial harmony and silhouette.