Introduction to

Breast Reduction

Do you suffer daily with shoulder, neck and back pain, shoulder grooving from bras, poor posture, headaches, rashes, trouble fitting clothes and difficulty exercising because you have uncomfortably large breasts? Having breasts that are just too large for your frame affects so many aspects of your life. If you have been thinking about finally finding some relief and regaining your confidence, we are here to help! Dr. Lindsey Webb at Webb Plastic Surgery specializes in breast surgery and performs breast reductions every week to help women regain independence from the pain and hassle of large breasts.

An Innovative Approach to Breast Reduction

What makes our breast reduction procedure in Atlanta so unique? The answer lies in its combination of elegantly reshaping and lifting the breast while providing internal breast support using your own tissue. Occasionally, absorbable mesh may be used as an internal ‘bra’ to help maintain breast support and to minimize the recurrence of drooping, heavy breasts over time.

Insurance Coverage

May Be an Option

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, surgery is not always considered cosmetic surgery. If you are a good candidate for surgery and breast tissue removal is medically necessary to achieve optimal health, your insurance company may cover the procedure. If it is a covered benefit on your insurance plan, your insurance company may require a recent mammogram, letter of medical necessity from a PCP/chiropractor/physical therapist, and notes from our office. We are here to guide you through this process and will work directly with your insurance company to assist in obtaining authorization for your surgery.

How Breast Reduction

Surgery Is Performed

Dr. Webb has been performing breast reduction surgery in the Atlanta area for years and is an experienced, board-certified surgeon who has perfected the technique. Dr. Webb uses her surgical expertise to sculpt beautiful, natural-looking breasts that are both aesthetically pleasing and make a marked improvement to the patient’s lifestyle.

The procedure typically takes between 2-3 hours. The surgery involves removal of skin and an appropriate amount of breast glandular tissue, repositioning of the nipple and improvement of the breast position with lifting. An incision is placed around the areola and carried vertically between the areola and the inframammary fold. A scar in the inframammary fold may also be required. Liposuction, to remove excess fat of the lateral chest wall, may also be performed to ensure a beautiful result. Breast reductions are well-tolerated outpatient surgical procedures and most people find that an over-the-counter pain reliever, like Motrin or Tylenol, is all that is needed for pain management after surgery. It generally takes 4-6 weeks before one can resume exercising and heavy lifting.

Dr. Lindsey Webb uses special techniques to perform the surgery successfully; she may perform either the vertical breast reduction or anchor reduction depending on the patient’s specific condition and size. In either case, the incisions are kept to a minimum so that the scars are barely visible, and patients can confidently wear a swimsuit or button-down shirt without having second thoughts.

Actual Patient

Before & After Photos

Last Thoughts on

Breast Reduction

Reduction mammoplasty offers instant results and patients notice immediate improvement in back, neck and shoulder pain even on the night of the surgery! Women who undergo the procedure can look forward to a more balanced, well-proportioned figure once their healing is complete.

Next Steps

If you feel you’re a good candidate for a breast reduction, please call us at 404-661-6865 to schedule a consultation.